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Treatments and what to expect

Sports Therapy

    • Postural assessment
    • Testing and function assessment of joints and muscles
    • Diagnosis and plan for treatment and rehabilitation
    • Exercise prescription

The treatment may include deep tissue work, joint mobilization, friction of tendons and ligaments, and stretching. We believe in a hands-on approach, as opposed to electrotherapy, so oil or talc will be applied to the skin.

If you have any allergic conditions, please let your therapist know.

Warning: please be aware that on rare occasions some people's hair follicles trap the oil and this may cause irritation leading to an acne like rash. This is not harmful but can be sore, if you are likely to be affected or have any concerns, please let your therapist know. Shaving of the area before and a shower after treatment can help avoid this as well.

After Treatment

Deep tissue work and joint mobiliation can leave you tender if you are unused to it - it will soon pass within 4 days. Use ice or warmth to ease, and in any case speak to your therapist.

As your treatments progress and biomechanics are altered, there will be a period of stabilization and strengthening. As your body starts to become used to this, there may be some muscle soreness as your body starts to deal with the altered pattern. This is all perfectly normal and is part of building a stronger more balanced body!

You may feel tired, but most patients feel energized afterwards.

You should drink plenty of water to hydrate and aid recovery by eliminating toxins.

Post treatment you should try to keep warm and follow any specific instructions from your therapist.

What to wear
Running shorts / tracksuit and loose t-shirt are ideal.